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5 Things You Never Say In Job Interview

Job Interview

And today I want to tell you about things that you should not say in a job interview; specifically, five things that you should not say, bring, mention in any way, fit or fit in a job interview. If you do, this is almost a reason for immediate disqualification from the procedure. So, the First Thing; 1. Don’t speak badly about your business. Don’t speak badly about people. Do not say that you did not like working there; no matter how it is. I mean, maybe you hated working there, maybe you hated your boss, but when they asked you the question, Did you like working there? Did you like your boss? The answer is, yes, I did. I loved working for my boss. I loved people. I liked the company. I loved the culture. I loved everything about them. It’s a shame I have to go. I’m sorry I have to leave, but I’m looking for greener pastures, more and more opportunities. I’m looking for more responsabilités. Je says all that, except that you didn’t like working there, you didn’t like what they were doing or anything like that. Because if you do not like working there or you do not like your boss, it will be in no time that you will say the same thing about them when they hire you; you will find reasons not to like them, you will find reasons not to like your boss.

Job Interview

How it goes; people who do not like where they worked do not take long to not like the new place. How it goes; it’s human nature. So if you don’t want to communicate that to them in the interview, no matter how it comes out, even if they ask you, how do you like this company? I don’t really like working there anymore.No, you like working there and you like people. Because otherwise, you will be labeled as cancer. You are labeled as cancer when you are the type of person who goes around, who talks about all the people or company, policies, things you don’t like. And companies get rid of such people. I know it’s not you. Do you know why? I know it’s not you because you’re here to see me today and you’re trying to be better. And those who are trying to improve themselves are not like cancer. I mean, of course, there could be something in their business that they didn’t like and that could be a very real reason why they didn’t like certain things. Just don’t say this at the interview; don’t mention it in any way, shape, or form.

Okay So the next one here; Number 2. . A lot of applicants come and they are so desperate to work on a job that they will say, I will do anything. No matter what it is, I will do anything. Now they are usually people who are not employed at the moment (maybe they have been out of work for six to nine months, maybe even two years) and they are desperate for a job and they will do anything. But if you go through a job interview and say, you know what? I don’t care what it is; I’ll do it. I will do anything. Give it to me. So when you do this, you show a certain level of frustration that simply does not come out very well. You want to attend interviews, you want to talk about what you can do and the value you can bring and you are excited to do it; that’s what you want.

You just don’t want to say, yes, I’m whoever you have. I’ll do it. I will sweep the floor. I don’t care. Now you specifically want to go; tell them what you want to do. You need to firmly hold your values. You have to hold firmly to your beliefs and what you want to do. Because if they give you anything, if they give you a job there, in two months, you will not be happy to do it. I guarantee you. Employers know this. They know that if you go there and say, I take whatever you have and they give it to you, after two or three months, you will like, you know what? It sucks. I don’t want to do that anymore, and you’re about to leave. And you will leave them high and dry. And then they just wasted a whole bunch of time and they would have to interview someone else and send them a lot of money dealing with a bad job like yours. So when you go, don’t tell them that you will do anything or take anything.

Job Interview

It just sends a message of disappointment. Well, let’s move on to Number 3. So when they ask you, tell me about yourself or what things are you good at? Don’t tell them that you are self-taught or that you are learning fast or that you are result-oriented; anything like that. Now what do you mean is how you can do these things; You want to put them in context. So if it’s like a leadership position, you don’t mean it, I’m a great leader. You want to talk about how you guided people. You want to talk about groups of people, teams as you have created and So, go ahead and just tell them how you did things, not how you would do them. Okay, let’s move on to the next one here.

4. When they ask you a question, say, you know how to do it? Do not tell them that you do not know-how. Do not tell an interviewer that I do not know how to do it or that I have never seen it or that I have no idea. I mean, that’s the worst thing you can say; even if it’s true. But what do you mean, you know what? Let me think about it for a second, and then you think. And what you want to do is to want to connect with something similar to what you did. So, you say, you know what? I didn’t do this exact job, but I had something similar. And what it does is show them that you have at least some level of understanding of what they are talking about. Because if you show no level of understanding of the issue, this is a big red flag; a big brand against you. And that’s probably what’s probably going to be a question of competence. And if you know something about the qualification questions, these are the heaviest.

So if you miss one or two skill questions, this may be the case. It can end up getting you right there in the interview. You can be; just two skill questions. One, maybe you can get away with it, but it depends. It depends on how important the question is. Because the questions of competence attract many fundamental. And if you do not know very fundamentally what you do, it means that you do not know much about what you do. So never tell them that you do not know. Always try to get close to something; connect point to them. And maybe you have to draw a lifeline here and say, and you know what? Can I think about it for a minute and we can go around So what is your business doing here? This is the worst thing you can do. It shows that you have not done any research on this company, Division, Department or the projects they are working on or nothing. Do not ask them what they are doing here. You should already know that if anything, ask them for details about certain things. But don’t go blind and just say, Well, what are you doing here? Sounds interesting . I think I would like to do that.

This is the worst thing you can say. It shows that you have no level of enthusiasm about this company or what it does. This shows that you have not made any preparation for the interview. You did not spend time researching this company or position. Basically, it says You showed up and maybe you want a job. It doesn’t work like that. It doesn’t work there. There are so many hungry job seekers who want these positions and they will beat you more than ten times. They will be so sharp from you. They will focus on their game. They will talk about their experiences, how they relate to work. They will know what this company does. They will know this; They would have developed it and you can too. So, take that extra step before your next job interview and spend some time exploring the position. Gather as much information as you can so you can go there and now you can question them that will help you qualify for this job, and about this company, and whether it is a place you want to be too.

I mean, if you think about it, what exactly is a job interview. You are talking to them and you are questioning them too. You question them if this is something you want to do. This is the key to a job interview. Well, my friend; good luck on your next trip. Now, before moving on to your next interview, I strongly suggest that you get a copy of the full interview answer guide from job interview tools. It was a quick download. You can get it in PDF e-book, you can also get it in MP3, Video, Audio or paper version. This book contains about 140 interviews with different questions and answers. He explains in detail the method of the stars, questions of behavior; Where they need to use condition, Act, action, and result. I have about 40 questions here that explain this. I teach you to answer, to tell me about yourself, Why do you want to work here? Why are you leaving your last job?

This guide will guide you to prepare 100% for any job interview. That’s why I highly recommend it. It’s like 50 bucks. You can get it . And if desired, there is an audio version. You can download all audio tracks. You can put them on your phone and you can listen to them. When you get back to work you can hear questions, and even some people hear these questions in the parking lot. They will be at work in an interview like an hour ago and they will listen to the questions before entering. So it puts you in a higher state, a higher state, a more bloated and active state before a job interview. So, take this book; it’s good to book. This will help you a lot. It’s been over 10 years. I keep it up to date at all times. And one of the best things about this guide that no other guide has; you can go to Amazon and buy books, they have questions and answers, but this guide includes my support.

So if you get stuck or have any questions about something in the job interview process, you can email me and I will answer you; no students or anyone here; you receive me. You are near me; I am your coach. So when you own this guide, I am your coach and you can email me directly and I usually get back to you within a day or two. No one else does that. I don’t know anyone else on the planet who’s really going No other author will let you send questions about his book to help you; I guarantee it. Look at Amazon; there are hundreds of books out there and they all have questions and answers and none of these people put their email addresses in their guides so you can email them for help. I’m doing this because I want to be here for you. I want to help you . I want to help you succeed .
